The more you read, the more you know. The more you know, the more you grow so read, read, read. (My 1st class teacher) Over the years I have read my fair share of personal finance and philosophy books. Some have profoundly changed the way I think about money, some have changed the way I […]
Playing Life On Our Own Terms (And Not The Banks!)
A few months ago, I wrote about how we sold our rental property, in preference for creating a simpler, debt free, financial life. The property sold, and settled and the mullah landed in the bank account. So it was my time for glory! It was my time to happy dance my way to the bank […]
Is Money Your Excuse?
Last weekend I made the trip to Brisbane for a blogging conference. I had loads of wonderful conversations with super interesting people, but one conversation that had me thinking was with a travel blogger (and mum of two younger kids). Of course, I was like a pig in mud talking about family adventures and picking […]
My Top 5 Tips To Be ‘Tax Smart’ This Year
So it’s July again… tax time! The time of year when accountants are overcome with joy, and everyone else is cursing and stressing and digging through drawers for receipts. Ok – so I probably lost you when I said ‘tax’. But don’t stop reading. I get it. For most people, tax is boring. But I’m […]
What is the Price Tag of Adventure?
The tides have turned. It seems more and more people are turning away from “stuff”. Minimalism is trendy, more and more brands a focusing on quality and reparability, and the internet is teaming with poignant quotes questioning the mindless pursuit of more things. For a closet greenie, and a hater of waste, this movement is […]
Mini Experiments to Help You Discover How to Spend Your Money
“Money is your life energy. You pay for money with your time. You choose how to spend it.” Vicki Robins and Joe Dominguez introduced this counter-cultural idea in their seminal works “Your Money or Your Life” in the early 90’s, during a time when ‘Greed was Good’ and more was better. When I read this […]
What is your point of ‘enough’? (And Why Does it Matter?)
Do you have any idea how much money you need to feel happy, joyful, fulfilled and purposeful? The old saying goes that “money can’t buy you happiness”, but research seems to disagree… to a point. A recent study by Rabobank found that the happiest people in Australia were earning between $80,000 to $100,000. Similarly, an […]
Everything You Need to Know About Choosing a Charity
I’ll be honest. Each tax time I’m surprised to see the number of clients who have donated nothing, or very little, to charity. Despite our regular contributions, even I tend to get to the end of the financial year disappointed that my good intentions to donate more didn’t eventuate. Study after study delivers the same […]
Consolidating Your Super – A Simple Guide to Get You in Action!
It’s hard to motivate myself to think about my own superannuation. In our house, right now, the priority list revolves around all those day to day tasks that must be done – food shopping, laundry, paying bills. And a whole heap of tasks that ‘should’ be done but we never quite get there – our […]
How to Use Your Money to Maximise Your Happiness
Have you ever considered your money as a precious resource? For most of us, every dollar has, on some level, come from you selling your efforts and your time. Your time is precious and finite. Your energy is precious and finite. How you use your money should reflect that. We all need to make dozens […]