Do you have any idea how much money you need to feel happy, joyful, fulfilled and purposeful? The old saying goes that “money can’t buy you happiness”, but research seems to disagree… to a point. A recent study by Rabobank found that the happiest people in Australia were earning between $80,000 to $100,000. Similarly, an […]
How to Use Your Money to Maximise Your Happiness
Have you ever considered your money as a precious resource? For most of us, every dollar has, on some level, come from you selling your efforts and your time. Your time is precious and finite. Your energy is precious and finite. How you use your money should reflect that. We all need to make dozens […]
The Lost Art of Fixing Stuff – How It Can Save You Time and Money
My dad still fixes stuff – one of the children’s toys, a broken chair, a pair of shoes. And I love it. But sadly, the art of fixing ‘stuff’ seems to be dying . Most of my generation has grown up with more shops than you can ever imagine, stocking everything you could ever need […]
Quick Tip – How to Save on Booking Fees with Jetstar
Every time I book a holiday, all the joy and buzzy excitement seems to be zapped away when I start attempting to book the flights. Yes Jetstar, Tiger and Virgin, I completely appreciate the fact that competition in the Australian air travel market has made travel so much more affordable. But why be so sneaky? […]
10 Ideas to Cut Your Entertainment Spending Without Cutting the Fun
The New Year always brings about optimism and ideas for new challenges. My husband and I set our own pretty lofty financial goals for the year, one of which is to slash our food and entertainment spending. The catch – we don’t want to have any less fun! Less money out, but no less value […]